this is the old blog
What's Up, Doc?

A Wild Hare (July 27th, 1940)
Directed by Tex Avery
Animated by Virgil Ross
(Dates and credits from Dave Mackey's Warner Brothers Cartoon Filmography.)

This post accompanies John K's "Bugs Bunny Evolution - Egg Shaped Head, Robert Givens Design" post.

Spinning out of the rabbit hole...

What's Up, Doc?

The kiss...

The skunk gag...

The good old fake dying routine...

And of course a kick in the butt...

...followed by dancing off into the background...

Cool, Calm and Confident

Elmer's Candid Camera (March 2nd, 1940)
Directed by Chuck Jones
Animated by Robert McKimson
(Dates and credits from Dave Mackey's Warner Brothers Filmography Site.)

(This post accompanies John K's "Bugs Bunny Evolution - Egg Shaped Head, Robert Givens Design" post.)
In Chuck Jones' Elmer's Candid Camera we have the grey bunny from Hare-Um Scare-Um again, but his personality makes a pretty major change - instead of being so wild&crazy, he is now much more cool, calm and relaxed.

Even though Elmer has clearly invaded the rabbit's space, look how patient proto-Bugs is with him...

A good hearty laugh after kicking this intrusive photographer from behind!


If you live in Los Angeles, this looks like a fun way to spend Saturday!
Here are the details I found on Michelle Klein-Hass' blog:
An event to remember for all folks who love cartoons, comics and Rock N' Roll!
Saturday! Saturday!! SATURDAY!!!! June 10th!
Join Jim Smith and Freehead, John K., Frank Forte, Robert Rhine of "Satan's 3 Ring Circus of Hell," animation historian Steve Worth, and possibly even Slash (Yes! that Slash!) for the first annual Geekapalooza at world-famous Taix Restaurant's Taix Lounge!
Taix Restaurant is at 1911 Sunset Blvd. in fashionable Echo Park!
Signings will begin at 4pm, music will begin at 10pm!
NO COVER CHARGE but the food is so good and the drinks are nice and strong, so why not eat, drink and be merry with the elite of comics and animation!
Face front, true believers!
posted by Michelle Klein-Hass @ 6:30 PM
So can we expect to hear one of my favorite guitarists Slash doing a guest solo with Freehead on 'The Ren and Stimpy Theme Song'? Haha - I hope so!


I started using these really small MARBLE MEMO notebooks (4.5x3.25 in) that I found at Albertson's grocery store. It's a great size because it fits nicely into my pocket, so I can take notes or scratch down a doodle whenever necessary.

A lot of these drawings are actually done in the morning, like a zombie, while making my coffee.

To see some GREAT pigs, check out the amazing Jim Tyer comic "Charlie the Chef" (courtesy of Kent Butterworth) that Steve recently posted at the ASIFA-Archive blog.
And here's some envelope pigs...