Frogs, Effeminate Walks and Mae West

SODA SQUIRT (October 12th, 1938)
Directed by Ub Iwerks
(Dates from The Big Cartoon Database.)

This post accompanies Uncle Eddie's A GRIM NATWICK WALK post.

Uncle Eddie pointed out to me this amazing Grim Natwick(Irv Spence?) animation in Ub Iwerks' Flip the Frog cartoon "Soda Squirt."
This cartoon has a lot of funny celebrity caricatures and cartoony animation in it, but the best scene by far is Grim's (Spence's?) animation of the effeminate man walking into Flip's soda shop.

I love the curves and the strong gestures in these drawings. And check out how Grim (Spence?) can create such a graceful and delicate walk, while at the same time making it fun and cartoony - amazing!

The handkerchief makes for a great prop in accentuating these nice curves...

Well, enough talk - on with the screen grabs!
Flip Meets Mae West...

Well look who's here...

Such expressive hands...

Nice three-shot...I love his reactions in the back...

Can I get some service please!??!

Check out that upset mouth!

Is it just me, or does this customer with the handkerchief remind anyone else of...

...Cesar Romero?
That three shot is Grim. You can tell by the hands and the expressions. Grim probably directed this cartoon.
See ya
If this cartoon hadn't been created before his time, I'd have sworn the character was modelled on the late Quentin Crisp!
Thanks Steve!
Hi Antikewl - haha, yeah you're right! They look awfully similar...
Holy hole in a donut Batman!
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