Let's Keep the Archive Alive!

Hey - sorry for the long disappearance! I've suddenly found myself very busy these days, but I'll try not to let this blog get so dusty in the future! Thank you everyone for the comments in the last post - I will try to respond to them all tonite!
Just wanted to plug the most recent post at the ASIFA ARCHIVE BLOG. The top ten reasons to donate to the archive. I have really enjoyed my time spent volunteering at the archive and being exposed to so many great cartoons that are so difficult to see these days. The archive is doing a great service and I really hope it can continue to exist.
(Be sure to check out previous posts at the ARCHIVE BLOG too, there's tons of great stuff! )
Here are links to some of my favorite posts so far....
Bill Nolan's Cartooning Self Taught
Swing, You Sinners
Barnyard Actor
Ralph Bakshi's Phone Doodles
Mel Crawford's Rootie Kazootie
Jim Tyer Comic Books
Milt Gross' Cartoon Tour of New York
And I learned that this is my favorite Mary Blair book...

Let's keep the Archive alive!